Why become a police officer

Why become a police officer or at times the question is "Why did you want to become a police officer?"  Frequently interviewers for new police ask that very question to perspective candidates.  Any potential officer must take into consideration the individual reasons why they wish to become an officer.

These should be individually explored prior to moving into any law enforcement career. Let me say, the career of law enforcement is not for everyone. It is not something someone should take lightly. The risks can be life changing, or should I say life altering in a split second, decision to use deadly force.  The can result in that officer being forced to take a life or lose their own.

So I have listed five reasons why, there are others that are just as important, but these are a stepping stone to the others.

There isn’t anything more satisfying about police work than stopping a crime in progress or arresting
someone who has victimized an innocent person. Placing someone under arrest for a crime. I help the justice system begin to speak for the victim.  In this career you have the opportunity to make an impact on people right where you live. Many people choose to work where they live, which makes this kind of career even more meaningful.

We encounter all walks of life, and it doesn’t matter what their socioeconomic background, race, color, or creed we encounter, each interaction is unique. Making an arrest isn't always the right thing
to do, sometimes you have to seek an alternative.

Other times, we may come into contact with someone who is truly trying to do what they can to support a family and is coming up short. Being able to help is what it’s all about. Many a cop has opened his or her wallet to buy groceries, replace a stolen bicycle, or put a couple of gallons of gas in a vehicle for someone down on his or her luck.

You may take the same types of calls pretty frequently, and they are often at the same locations, but
it’s never repetitive. Each call for service that involves humans can be a new experience and an opportunity to do something new. New may be good or bad, but it’s new nonetheless. What you get with a career in law enforcement is the exact opposite of boring. While there may be slow days, every day on the job in this field has the potential to be exciting and interesting. Officers and other law enforcement professionals have to be prepared for anything to happen any day on the job.

While different states and agencies have different requirements for officers and other types of law enforcement workers.  You can choose where you want to work, staying in your home town or
moving out of state for new adventures.

You can choose between small town police departments, county-wide sheriff department, federal agencies, state agencies, big city police departments, and private security and protection positions. Whichever specific type of law enforcement job you choose, no
matter where you go there will be a need for trained professionals.

If you are a woman, you are needed in this career. On local police forces, only about 12 percent of
officers are women. That number is higher in big city departments and lower in state and federal agencies. There are even less in leadership positions. There is evidence that women in these positions use less force and are better able to use communication to de-escalate tense situations. A more diverse force also helps departments and agencies relate to and serve their diverse communities. As a woman trained in criminal justice, you could be a very desirable candidate for many positions.

To conclude, regardless of a career choice, be informed, understand your reasoning for making that choice, then you can best proceed. If you become a law enforcement officer or some other profession at least you evaluated your chose, carefully prior to stepping into that career. Good luck!
