Thank you for an interest in my blog, let me tell you a bit about me. I have been a law enforcement officer for over 26 years. I have been lucky enough to work in two police departments, over the 26 years that I have been a police officer, I have worked every patrol shift, days, afternoons and midnights. I would definitely say that afternoon shift was my favorite shift to work as a patrol officer.
About 5 years into working within my current agency, I had the opportunity to become my agencies very first School Resource Officer. That was one of the most rewarding experiences that I have ever had. It brought me into contact with some wonderful young people, educators and community members. It was also where I began to develop the school based education and prevention program called G.A.T.E. The Gang Awareness Training and Education program is a comprehensive school based program, which works in three different program levels. Grammar School, Middle School and High School. The GATE program is a comprehensive drug, gang and anti-violence program.
Over the next 9 years as a School Resource Officer, I worked in a regional gang task force, helped develop multiple agencies programs, over saw the departments implementation of a Crime Free Housing program, as well jumping back and forth from working in the schools to work in patrol. In may 2005 I took the exam for Sergeant. In 2006 I was promoted to the rank of Sergeant.
As a Sergeant I ran a patrol shift of officers and supervised the School Resource Officer and continued to develop programs in areas of prevention as well as youth intervention. Then in 2010 I was offered a transfer and accepted it to the position of Public Information Officer for the department. That was an opportunity, to work day shift, with weekends and holidays off. Here I was thinking there would be some normalcy. How little did I know, how much work I would be doing, how much effort and time this new job would take.
What I found was that being a Public Information Officer was one of the most rewarding opportunities I have ever had. During the preceding nine years I have learned some great things in this field and I hope to be able to share some of those along with some lessons learned. As well as some laughable moments. Either way I hope you enjoy the blog....
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